Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


PISANG GORENG (Fried Bananas)

A crisp batter, rich and nutty with coconut milk, makes a delightfully light and crunchy coating for tropical fruits. In travel around Indonesia, one often unexpectedly upon a little roadside stand set with a wajan of bubbling oil and a platter of slice pineapple, wedges of jackfruit and large, ripe bananas awaiting battering and frying – a delicious and inexpensive snack on the run. Or thick coconut cream and soft brown sugar can be spooned over the fried bananas to make them into a dessert.

12 ripe bananas
½ cup (2 oz/60 g) rice flour
1 cup (4 oz/125 g) all purpose (plain) flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) thick coconut milk
1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) water
Oil for deep frying

How to make:
  • Peel the bananas, cover and set aside. Beat together the remaining ingredients, except the oil. Let stand for about 25 minutes.
  • Heat the oil to the smoking point, and then reduce heat slightly. Dip the bananas one by one into the batter, then slide into the oil. (Do not fry more than three at a time or the temperature of the oil will drop too much, making the batter heavy and oily). Cook until golden, turning once or twice. Lift out on a slotted spoon and drain. Serve while hot.

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